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An In-depth Forecast for The Weather in Swindon

weather forecast

Summers in Swindon are short, pleasant, and partially cloudy, whereas winters are lengthy, bitterly cold, windy, and generally cloudy. Throughout the year, the temperature normally ranges from 35°F to 71°F, with temperatures rarely falling below 25°F or rising over 80°F.

The best time of year to visit Swindon for warm-weather activities, according to the tourist score, is from late June to late August. The maximum temperature in Swindon, United Kingdom, for the next ten days is expected to be 14°c / 56°f on Thu 01. On Saturday, the low temperature will be four °C / 39°F. On Mon 21st, the most precipitation will be 20.30 mm / 0.80 inches. On Tuesday, wind gusts of up to 42 km / 26 mph are forecast. To get detailed Swindon weather forecast information for Swindon, United Kingdom, visit the 3 Hourly, Hourly, and Historical sections.

Swindon’s Average Temperature

From June 15 to September 9, the warm season lasts 2.8 months, with an average daily high temperature exceeding 66°F. July is the hottest month in Swindon, with average highs of 70°F and lows of 54°F.

From November 16 to March 16, the cool season lasts 4.0 months, with an average daily high temperature of less than 50°F. January is the coldest month in Swindon, with an average low of 36°F and a high of 44°F.


The percentage of the sky covered by clouds in Swindon varies significantly seasonally throughout the year. Swindon’s clearer season begins about April 4 and lasts for 6.3 months, concluding around October 13.

July is the clearest month of the year in Swindon, with the sky clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 56% of the time. The cloudier season starts around October 13 and lasts 5.7 months, ending around April 4. In Swindon, December is the cloudiest month of the year, with the sky overcast or largely cloudy 73% of the time.

A wet day is at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. The likelihood of rain in Swindon fluctuates throughout the year. From October 6 to February 4, the wetter season lasts 3.9 months, with a greater than 28% chance of rain on any given day. November has the rainiest days in Swindon, with an average of 9.9 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. From February 4 to October 6, the drier season lasts 8.1 months. July has the fewest wet days in Swindon, with an average of 7.2 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation.

We identify wet days based on whether they are rainy, snowy, or a combination of the two. November has the most days of rain alone in Swindon, with an average of 9.9 days. According to this classification, the most prevalent type of precipitation during the year is rain alone, with a 35% chance on October 30.


We show the rainfall gathered over a sliding 31-day period centered on each day of the year to show variance between the months rather than just the monthly totals. Monthly rainfall in Swindon varies according to the season. Swindon experiences rain all year. November is the wettest month in Swindon, with an average rainfall of 2.4 inches. April had the least rain in Swindon, with an average rainfall of 1.4 inches.


The length of the day in Swindon varies greatly throughout the year. The shortest day in 2022 is December 21, with 7 hours and 49 minutes of daylight; the longest is June 21, with 16 hours and 39 minutes of daylight.

Solar Energy

This section demonstrates the total daily incident shortwave solar energy reaching the ground’s surface over a wide area, taking seasonal variations in the length of the day and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents into account. Visible light and ultraviolet radiation are examples of shortwave radiation.

Over the year, the average daily incident shortwave solar energy shows substantial seasonal variation. June is the brightest month in Swindon, with an average of 6.3 kWh. The dark season lasts 3.8 months, from October 26 to February 20. December is the darkest month in Swindon, with an average of 0.6 kWh.


This section describes the hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above ground for a vast area. The wind at any site is heavily influenced by local terrain and other factors, and instantaneous wind direction and wind change more than hourly averages.

The average hourly wind speed in Swindon varies significantly seasonally throughout the year. From October 13 to March 30, the windier season lasts 5.5 months, with average wind speeds of more than 11.4 miles per hour. January is the windiest month in Swindon, with an average hourly wind speed of 12.9 miles per hour. The quieter season lasts 6.5 months, from March 30 to October 13. June is the calmest month in Swindon, with an average hourly wind speed of 9.8 miles per hour.

Final Thought

Using the above guide, we can see how pleasant the weather is in Swindon at different times of the year. The tourism score prefers clear, rain-free days with perceived temperatures between 65 and 80. According to this score, the best time to visit Swindon for a wide variety of outdoor tourist activities is between the end of June and the end of August, with the last week of July being the best overall.

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