
All-Weather Tires and Other Types of Tires You Need to Know About

All-Weather Tires and Other Types of Tires You Need to Know About

There are different types of tires available today, and it is important that you know each of their qualities as a vehicle owner. The different types of tires are usually manufactured depending on the year’s season. This means that there are tires best meant for summer, winter, and others that can be used all year round, called all-weather tires.

Therefore, always ensure that your vehicle is fitted with the best tires for the specific season of the year. This helps to increase the vehicle’s efficiency and reduce the amount of fuel consumed. Alternatively, you can go for all-weather tires if you don’t want to keep changing your tires each season. The following are the three major types of tires.

  • Winter Tires

Winter is a time of the year when the temperatures are low, and the roads are usually very slippery and could be covered by snow or ice. This means that the type of tires your vehicle has during this time greatly impacts its stability and efficiency. Winter requires tires that have the ability to navigate through the slippery and snowy roads effortlessly.

Winter tires usually have large treads with patterns that can push water, ice, and snow off the road. They are made using a soft type of rubber from lightweight materials that helps to keep the tire flexible when the temperatures are low. The softness of the tire makes it specific for winter as it damages easily when the temperatures are high.

Despite the great purpose that winter tires serve during the cold season, they also have their own cons. Firstly, having tires specifically for winter is very costly. This is because the tires are only used once a year and cannot be used when the temperature is high. This means you will need to own another set of tires for the rest of the year.

Winter tires also need extra storage space. This is because they need to be properly stored and maintained when not in use. This means that an extra cost is required to keep them safe before the next winter period.

  • All-Weather Tires

As the name suggests, these tires can be used throughout the year. They are a hybrid type of tires used during summer and winter. The all-weather tires are very economical for vehicle owners as they do not need to purchase tires for the different seasons of the year. They do not require additional storage space as there isn’t an extra set of tires to be stored.

All weather tires are built in such a way that they have the ability to withstand both high temperatures and the mild winter season. Although these tires might have decreased efficiency during winter, when they are well maintained, they can serve you all year long without the need to change them.

However, all-weather tires have a downside. Compared to winter tires, all-weather tires online are known to wear off quickly. The fast wearing out is usually caused by the constant use of the tires. Since the tires are not removed from the vehicle all year long, they tend to have a short life expectancy.

  • All-Season Tires

It could be easy to confuse all-weather and all-season tires online, but the two have a slight difference. All-season tires do not mean they can be used for all types of weather around the year. These tires offer their best performance during summer, spring and fall but are not ideal for winter.

This has made them acquire the three-season tires. The tire is not recommended for winter as it is known to lose its grip ability when the temperatures are extremely low. The tires usually have smooth and straight treads that are ideal for use during warm temperatures.

This does not mean that the tires cannot be used for muddy and rainy weather conditions. The tread patterns have the ability to navigate just the normal rainy season but not the harsh climate during winter. This means the tires can be used all year long but need to be changed during winter for increased efficiency and grip of your vehicle.

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