
AI Technology in Cars: How is it used and what does the future hold?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, revolutionizing the way we do business, interact and communicate. While traces of AI tech are evident in nearly every facet of our everyday lives today (from smartphones and smart TVs to self-service checkouts in stores), few sectors have been transformed by the onset of AI as much as the automotive industry. Disruptive AI tech has already had a significant impact on manufacturing processes and consumer trends in the auto industry, with fully autonomous vehicles set to hit the road soon. 

Although the first self-driving car was successfully piloted back in 1995, recent technological advancements and the popularity of Tesla models in mainstream media have catapulted the growth of AI tech to dizzying new heights- but how is it currently used in the auto industry and what can we expect for the future? 

AI Technology in cars today 

 AI could be described as the process of a machine or computer program simulating or building on human intelligence, but how is it used in cars today? You may be surprised to learn that AI is already employed for a range of auto-related purposes, many of which you may not even notice or be aware of – after all, AI is designed to make our lives easier. 

A great example of the utilization of AI to improve the experience of everyday drivers can be found in proximity sensors, which help drivers to avoid blind spots when parking in tight spaces – this is usually executed using built-in cameras and optic sensors, which an AI system uses to communicate spacing to the driver. Other common examples of AI tech being used in cars today include personalized vehicle systems (such as the Porsche ‘Recommendation Engine’) and in-car voice assistance, which is often synced with the user’s social media, email, and map systems.      

What’s the future of AI in the automotive industry? 

We are already well on the way to fully-automated vehicles, although a range of semi-automated vehicles is currently available on the market. While it’s been well established that the cars of the future are likely to be self-driving, the possibilities for AI auto tech are endless – we’re likely to see cars make use of personalized data and synced accounts to establish a more interactive communicative network between vehicles on the road. It is thought that AI will have a significantly positive impact on the safety of individual vehicles and road users, so it may not just be easier to drive an AI vehicle, but more secure too. 

There has already been an intersection between AI tech and hybrid/electric vehicles, which is likely to strengthen as we make the move toward zero-emission transport in the coming years.   

  • Car manufacturers use artificial intelligence in just about every facet of the car-making process. Examples of AI in the automotive industry include industrial robots constructing a vehicle and autonomous cars navigating traffic with machine learning and vision.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Cars Powers an AI Revolution in the Auto Industry 1 Autonomous vehicles. Let’s start with the elephant in the room: self-driving vehicles. … 2 Manufacturing. With over 70 million cars produced last year, it’s no wonder manufacturers are seeking out machinery and ways to enhance production. 3 Driver-assist


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