At just 22 years of age, Abdullah Al Kobeissy has managed to build an empire for himself and is truly an inspiration in the e-commerce world. Originally from the war-torn country of Iraq, he has made his way to currently residing in Australia as well as Dubai and living quite a luxurious life. Australia and its culture played a huge part in changing his mind set for the better. However, the lifestyle in Dubai acts as a catalyst in his journey to success and increases his hunger for the same. Born from humble beginnings, he started off working young at various odd jobs like a meat factory and a typical 9 to 5 that helped him through his rainy days. Ultimately, he started his own business and proved that his entrepreneurial skills really are one of a kind with his monumental success. Starting off in the e-commerce industry 3 years ago, Kobeissy now earns a whopping six scale figure that is indeed a motivation to many. He makes money around the clock as his web-based business brings in genuine cash relentlessly. He has figured out the approach to publicize and upscale any web-based business and it shows.
Besides being one of the youngest successful entrepreneurs, Abdullah has also made quite the name for himself on Tik-Tok and increased his presence on there exponentially in a short period of time.
Kobeissy adds more points to his personality by wanting to share his knowledge and teach people in similar situations to run a thriving business of their own. Being all self-made, his journey is authentic and his experiences make him even more of an expert as he truly practices what he preaches. He takes in and connects with those who are struggling to make ends meet and teaches them a way to achieve financial stability. Having conquered the skill of making profits online, he devised a program named ECOM HQ that helps individuals grow their own businesses. This program boasts a fool proof blueprint that ensures zero risks. His approaching venture has an arrangement for his success. The program will give them introduce them to all the formats, worksheets, and all his assets which will help them build their own business and take it to a new level. The goal of this program is to help make all of his trainees’ effective money-makers with essential capabilities and eventually become experts at managing a business.
Through this, he has managed to help a lot of people flourish and take their businesses to their maximum potential. People across the world have gained a lot of knowledge and perspective on how to grow a successful e-commerce business. He has helped many transform their lives and overcome their rough times through his teachings. They now make a killer earning of over 8 figures for themselves. Abdullah’s essential objective of his course is to make his students monetarily steady and liberate them from the financial insecurity that the whole globe has been encountering since the beginning of the pandemic. He clearly is doing just that and will continue to help people attain a higher quality of life.