These days, all anyone wants to do is get a better handle on their finances and with PocketSmith, you can do just that. PocketSmith is an absolutely wonderful app that helps you manage your finances and keep you in check. In this great PocketSmith review, you can take an in-depth look into the forecasting and full synchronization of your financial accounts with one of the best virtual financial advisors around right now.
With PocketSmith, you can track how your spending habits will specifically impact your finances six months down the line as well as thirty years into the future. This financial tracking app goes far further than its competitors do, and it also provides many important insights. The PocketSmith app can help you control your finances and make better decisions for your future.
PocketSmith was founded by a group of entrepreneurs from New Zealand back in 2008. The main goal of the app was to create a platform that allows people to easily manage their finances and receive important insights via a calendar-like app. The software essentially uses a calendar that is quite Google-like and it provides you with information on your current balances as well as future forecasts.
It offers full synchronization with your financial accounts and the different budget categories enable you to drill down into your finances quicker than ever before. It is an absolutely perfect online personal finance app and it makes it easy to manage all aspects of your finances all at once. It also helps you to make the best financial decisions possible through all of its amazing features.
It is considered to be the ideal app for keeping track of your finances and becoming more budget-friendly. To look more deeply into your finances, check out this Trim review!
PocketSmith features
This platform comes with many great core features that go above and beyond what is ordinarily available with normal financial tracking apps. One of the features to be particularly excited about is the forecasting feature because it focuses on modifying consumer behaviour is a real selling point for this app. Let’s take a look into the core features of PocketSmith to examine them.
Income and Expense Statements
With only the press of a button, PocketSmith will report all of your income and expenses into one very simple report. Turning your personal finances into a profit and loss statement is an absolutely amazing way to achieve a high-level view of your finances.
Future Financial Forecasting
One of the main and most popular selling points of this app is the fact that it uses your data to allow you to make financial projections of up to 30 years into the future. It will even estimate your daily bank balances for a more in-depth look. Using several different time periods, you can perform these calculations.
Scenario Testing
If you’re someone who loves to travel, this feature is great for you. If you are looking to spend a year or so travelling overseas but you’re not sure where your finances will end up or how it will impact them, this feature can help you. The PocketSmith scenario testing allows you to plan for the future by being able to examine how certain life decisions will impact your financial position.
All you need to do is click a button and you will be able to see how big life decisions will impact your finances.
Budget Calendar
The great budgeting calendar offered by PocketSmith pinpoints all of your recurring costs and then tracks them through their calendar. You will then be able to use this data to plan your projected expenses. They can also be color-coded by the certain categories and the platform lets you come up with your own customized categories.
Is PocketSmith the right platform for you?
PocketSmith is already a revolutionary and life-changing platform and people are becoming more and more secure with their finances. This is the perfect app for people who actually want to get serious about taking their finances to the next level and tracking them. Personal finances can be incredibly tough to manage at times, but this app goes way beyond the basic tracking of day-to-day spending.
It can also be fully integrated with Mint which many different customers are able to enjoy. While the pricing can sometimes be high with PocketSmith, there is really nothing negative to say about PocketSmith and how it works with your personal finances. It continues to be a great app that people can’t say enough about and there are high hopes for it for many years to come.
Check out PocketSmith and sign up for a free account today to begin managing your finances and while you’re at it, check out this Betterment review for more great information.