Big Data

A Guide to Histograms and Other Related Charts

Histograms Related Charts

When it comes to data, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Graphical representations of data can help us understand complex information more easily, and they can help us see relationships and trends that might be hidden in raw numbers. There are various graphical representations that can be used, and each has its strengths and weaknesses.


Histograms are one such graphical representation of data. They are used to show the distribution of data. The bars on a histogram represent the frequency of data values in a given category. The height of the bar is proportional to the frequency of the data.

There are many different types of histograms. Some of the most common types are:

  • Frequency histograms
  • Relative frequency histograms
  • Cumulative frequency histograms
  • Probability histograms

Frequency histograms are used to show the distribution of data. The bars on a frequency histogram represent the frequency of data values in a given category. The height of the bar is proportional to the frequency of the data.

Relative frequency histograms are used to show the distribution of data. The bars on a relative frequency histogram represent the relative frequency of data values in a given category. The height of the bar is proportional to the relative frequency of the data.

Cumulative frequency histograms are used to show the distribution of data. The bars on a cumulative frequency histogram represent the cumulative frequency of data values in a given category. The height of the bar is proportional to the cumulative frequency of the data.

Probability histograms are used to show the distribution of data. The bars on a probability histogram represent the probability of data values in a given category. The height of the bar is proportional to the probability of the data.

Bar Charts

While histograms are used to visualize the data distribution, bar charts are used to compare values or proportions.

Histograms are created by dividing the data into intervals and then plotting the number of data points in each interval. Bar charts are created by plotting data points as bars of equal width, with the height of the bar representing the value of the data point.

Histograms are often better at showing the distribution of data, while bar charts are often better at comparing values. However, this depends on the specific data and desired outcome.

Pareto Charts

Both histograms and Pareto charts are used to visualize data, but they have different purposes. On the one hand, histograms are used to show the distribution of data. This means that they show how data is spread out across different values.

On the other hand, Pareto charts are used to show how much of a particular type of data there is. This means that they show how much of a particular value is found within a given set of data.

Pie Charts

A histogram and a pie chart

A histogram and a pie chart are both graphical representations of data. A histogram is a graph that shows how often a particular value occurs in a set of data. A pie chart is a graph that shows how much of the data is represented by each value.

Histograms are usually used to show the distribution of a set of data. Meanwhile, a pie chart is usually used to show the composition of a set of data.

Line Charts

Histograms and line charts are two different methods of displaying data. Histograms are used to show the distribution of data, while line charts are used to show how data changes over time.

Histograms are created by dividing a range of data into intervals and then counting how many data points fall into each interval. This information is then displayed in a bar graph, with the height of each bar representing the number of data points in that interval. Histograms can be used to show the distribution of data in a single column or in multiple columns.

Line charts are created by plotting data points on a graph and then drawing a line between them. The line will be straight if the data is linear, or curved if the data is not linear. Line charts can show the change in data over time or to compare two different sets of data.

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