Blood clots can be very dangerous; treatments range from surgeries to medications to prevent future clots. However, most people facing blood-clotting problems can be treated successfully with appropriate medical measures. Nevertheless, it is a severe condition and must be handled immediately to cure it.
Those who do not face any such blood clotting problems can always follow some preventive measures to keep them in the safe zone. Read on to find in-depth explanations about different prevention techniques and the many treatment options available for blood clots.
What Causes Blood Clots?
Blood clots can occur suddenly or develop over a long period. These clots can be diagnosed easily with simple tests like EKG or cardiac ultrasound. The doctor will ask several questions related to your symptoms and will check for signs of blood clots in your body with minor tests. The significant causes of blood clotting may include:
- Lack of exercise
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Cancer
- Diseases like AIDS,
- Hepatitis C,
- Hemophilia, and so on.
Some minor causes include bruises, sprains, and surgery in blood vessels. All of them may lead to blood clotting problems. However, they can be dealt with quickly with timely care.
Blood Clot Symptoms
Blood clots occur when the veins and arteries are damaged for various reasons, and the clot stops blood flow through these vessels. The symptoms of blood clotting in different body parts are:
- Leg pain
- Metallic taste and dryness in the mouth
- Fever, chills, and sweating
Sometimes, swelling in the affected leg may also be seen. Sometimes, you may not even face any symptoms at all. However, it is essential to understand that you must always consult a doctor immediately if there is any such symptom.
Treatments for Blood Clots
People with blood clots benefit from different treatments depending on the clot’s cause, size, and location. For example, to treat blood clots in your leg, you may have to use medications, physical therapy, or surgery if the lump is large enough.
Blood thinners like Eliquis 5mg are the most common treatment for blood clots. They keep the blood flowing in your entire body by reducing the risk of forming new clots and dissolving existing ones, protecting you against future problems due to blood clotting. However, it would help if you always discussed these treatment options with your doctor before making any decisions.
Few Preventive Measures For Blood Clots
Some of the preventive measures that you can take are:
- Exercise regularly.
- Follow a healthy diet.
- Avoid too much cigarette smoking.
- Follow a healthy balanced lifestyle.
Don’t ignore any early signs of blood clotting problems, like bruises, leg swelling, and abnormal clotting in your blood vessels. If you know of any other preventive measures that can protect against blood clots, please share them with us here. Of course, you must always consult a doctor before making any decisions.
Blood clots can be treated in several different ways. Many options are available to prevent blood clots, from exercises to medications. It is essential to take all necessary steps to deal with blood clotting problems and avoid future complications. Don’t ignore the symptoms of blood clots, as they can be life threatening if left unattended.