Concerning HIV, there are a lot of misconceptions. A narrative or an idea that is not true is referred to as a myth. When dealing with HIV, being able to distinguish between reality and myth is an important skill to have. Believing in myths can lead to anxiety, denial, and even health problems for the person who believes them.
Myth no. 1 – “AIDS is not caused by HIV.”
The Fact: AIDS is carried on by HIV. Party drugs, AZT, or anything else outside the virus do not cause AIDS. HIV is contagious if you have AIDS. HIV-negative people cannot get AIDS.Â
Myth no. 2 – “HIV/AIDS patients look sick.”
The Fact: HIV-positive patients often look and feel well. They may not know they have the infection. HIV can only be detected by testing. Unless someone tells you they have HIV, you cannot understand. If you’re tired of hiding your HIV status from healthy people and don’t want to join a time-consuming HIV dating WhatsApp group chat, MyPositiveSingles is a good option.
Myth no. 3 – “Straight people do not get HIV.”
The Fact: Most HIV patients globally are straight (heterosexual). Men pass HIV on to women, while women pass it on to men. Labels or groups of people do not define risk. HIV is spread by unprotected sex or by sharing needles or injections (diabetes, injection medicines, tattooing, etc.).
Myth no. 4 – “I cannot get HIV if I use birth control.”
The fact: When people engage in sexual activity without using protection, HIV can be transmitted. Most methods of contraception only prevent pregnancies that would otherwise be undesirable; they do not protect against STIs or STDs like HIV. When used properly, a condom is the only method of contraception that both protects against pregnancy and dramatically lessens the likelihood of contracting HIV.
Myth no. 5 – “Being a virgin makes me safe.”
The Fact: There is no risk of contracting HIV through sexual activity if you have never had any. However, you are in danger if you share needles or other drug equipment. Those who have engaged in oral or anal sex but still consider themselves “virgins” because they have not engaged in vaginal sex are in danger. The risks associated with oral sex, while often minor, increase in specific scenarios. Sexual activity with the anus is viewed as dangerous.Â
Myth no. 6 – “Tears, mosquitoes, sweat, swimming pools, and casual contact are all ways that HIV can spread.”
The Fact: Only contaminated blood, pre-cum, cum semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk can spread HIV. Unprotected sexual contact and sharing pharmacological equipment with an HIV-positive individual are the most typical ways that HIV is spread. HIV can also be transmitted from mother to child through nursing or childbirth. MyPositiveSingles is the best positive singles herpes dating site to build meaningful relationships, find love and support, and achieve other important goals.
Myth no. 7 – “HIV impacts fertility and pregnancy”
The Fact: Women with HIV can have healthy pregnancies with the proper medical attention and HIV medications. You can take many steps to avoid passing HIV to your spouse and unborn child. The likelihood that a mother may transmit HIV to her unborn child has significantly decreased because of improvements in HIV therapy. Â
Myth no. 8 – “If both couples have HIV, having unprotected intercourse is acceptable.”
The Fact: Unprotected intercourse between two HIV-positive individuals has the potential to change one or both of their HIV strains or types. Even if your current spouse was the one who first exposed you to the virus, this is still possible. Everybody’s body reacts to HIV differently over time. Because of this, the stress your partner once felt might not be the same stress they think today. It may be difficult for your treatment to be effective and for you to maintain your health if your HIV strain is drug-resistant. You can avoid reinfection and STI infection by using safer sex practices.
Get the Facts!
HIV-related myths can be exceedingly dangerous. They can instill fear in you, even in the face of safety. And when something is hazardous, they may fool you into thinking it isn’t!
Getting the facts straight and learning the truth is crucial. Sometimes those who seem well-intentioned or knowledgeable spread misinformation. Safety comes first, whether you’re dating someone who has herpes or dating someone who has HIV. Given the unwarranted bias due to STD stigma, you should utilize a positive singles app like MyPositiveSingles with discreet icons and privacy/visibility settings to preserve your privacy during PS dating.