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7 Reasons Learning Guitar Is Hard

Deciding to start learning the guitar may take time and effort. Learning to play the guitar takes dedication and patience, just like any other instrument. It is not easy at first, I assure you! Even though it requires hours of practice and attention, the results are well worth it when combined with some advice I’ve learned.


There is no doubt that every new undertaking is difficult, but with time, everything becomes more straightforward. Consider how challenging learning a new language would be, and then assess how well you can communicate in your mother tongue.

In the same way, if you put in the effort—in the form of manageable, modest chunks—you will quickly improve your guitar playing.

There is no secret that your efforts will eventually pay off with compound interest. As always, our goal is to simplify difficult situations.

So be sure to continue reading to discover how to master the guitar without a needless struggle!

How Hard Is It to Learn Guitar?

If you’re wondering, “How hard is it to learn guitar?” then consider the following difficulties that most beginners face.

Making Your Fingers Calloused:

The possibility of agony makes learning to play the guitar one of the hardest things to do. You’ll have a better chance of surviving the encounter if you rehearse for a little while until your fingers have gained enough strength.

Having the intention to skip tracks:

Beginning musicians frequently behave poorly, such as changing tunes in the middle. If they run into trouble with one song, they’ll go on to another without finishing it or mastering the techniques. Be patient when you run into a roadblock since you won’t be happy until you understand at least one complete song.

These are some explanations for why learning to play the guitar is challenging and solutions:

  1. The guitar is a musical instrument with rhythm, melody, and harmony:

See things from this perspective… Most of the time, rhythm is all you play on the drums. Most of the time, your notes have more rhythmic significance than harmonic or melodic significance.

Rhythmic elements are quite essential when playing the guitar. In addition to that, you usually give the song’s harmonic backdrop. Finally, the guitar dominates melodies and solos in contemporary music.

  1. The initial physical agony of playing the guitar:

It can hurt even to imagine pressing firmly with your gentle fingertips on a nylon or steel thread. Yet the truth is that it hurts far more.

Also, some chord shapes require you to bend your hand and fingers in an unnatural way, which results in a terrible dull type of pain.

  1. Music theory is difficult and tedious:

Yep. This one is widely known. When studying music theory, you are actually gaining access to all of the knowledge that has been amassed throughout human history. It is not surprising that the size of the field can be frightening.

  1. Continuously compare yourself to your guitar idols:

This one can be challenging. On the one hand, you were motivated to pick up the guitar by this same sentiment. On the other hand, it might scare you to the point where you give up altogether.

  1. Being able to recall the notes of various scales:

It’s challenging to learn even one guitar scale in all its positions, let alone all others.

Understanding the commonalities in the fingering patterns will help to solve this issue. The fretboard will be much more streamlined as a result.

  1. Chord difficulty:

Chords have historically been problematic in two separate ways. When playing barre chords, one would be fretting the chords. The other one would be the straightforward chord changes you make.

  1. It might be expensive to have access to tutors and learning resources:

In playing the guitar, the same rule governing many other facets of life also holds true. There’s a good chance you’ll need to spend a lot of your hard-earned money on a great teacher.


Learning to play the guitar is challenging at first, but with practice, it gets simpler. As you practice more, playing the guitar will become easier.

At first, learning to play the guitar is challenging. Because of this, most people who stop playing the guitar do so without delay. They mistakenly think they aren’t talented enough to study guitar. But they may have gotten over this difficult phase if they had kept practicing.

The best acoustic guitar amp under $200 is still up for grabs. 

In addition, you should learn how to hold a guitar because doing so is just as crucial as playing one. Everyone has their personal preferences, just like you.

Of course, you may find that a specific manner of holding the guitar is suitable and pleasant for you. You might have your own style and method if you’re a skilled guitarist. So please share with us all how you prefer to hold the guitar. What position do you use? Why is this the case, exactly? Is there anything unique about it? Or have you used any of the ones we’ve covered here?

Please share your ideas and procedures with us. Whether you are a guitarist or a guitar enthusiast, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or feedback.

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