Have you ever been the victim of a ransomware attack? If not, consider yourself lucky. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your files and demands a ransom be paid to decrypt them. It can be incredibly frustrating and even devastating, especially if you don’t have backups of your important data.
If you do find yourself the victim of a ransomware attack, there are some things you should do immediately. Here are 8 things to do following a ransomware attack:
- Do not pay the ransom: It can be tempting to just pay the ransom and be done with it, but that is not recommended. There is no guarantee that your files will be decrypted even if you do pay, and you will just be encouraging the attackers.
- Disconnect from the internet: This will prevent the ransomware from encrypting any more files and stop the attacker from communication with your computer. A ransomware attack usually starts with a phishing email, so make sure to delete any suspicious emails that you may have received recently.
- Backup your data: This is something you should do even if you have not been attacked yet. Having backups of your important data will ensure that you can always recover from an attack.
- Update your security: Make sure that your security software is up-to-date and run a scan of your system to check for any malware. You should also change any passwords that may have been compromised during the attack.
- Do not delete anything: You may think that deleting the ransomware will get rid of the problem, but it could actually make things worse. If you delete the ransomware, you may also delete critical files needed for decrypting your data.
- Get help from a professional: Ransomware can be difficult to remove on your own. If you are not confident in your ability to remove it, we recommend getting help from a professional. There are many cybersecurity professionals who can help you remove ransomware and recover your data.
- Restore from backups: If you have backups of your important data, this is the time to use them. Restoring from backups will allow you to get your data back without having to pay the ransom.
- Report the incident: It’s important to report ransomware attacks, even if you are able to recover on your own. This information can help law enforcement track down the attackers and possibly prevent future attacks.
Following these steps after a ransomware attack can help minimize the damage and hopefully get your data back without having to pay a ransom. However, the best way to protect yourself is to be proactive and have proper security measures in place to prevent an attack in the first place. Cybersecurity professionals can help you with this and give you peace of mind knowing that your data is safe.