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6 Employees Productivity Red Flags and How to Fix Them

The team of employees is the most valuable asset in any organization. Employees react differently to the world around them. External and internal factors can negatively affect your team’s productivity. Organizing a team building activity can help every employee relax, bond, and accommodate each other for better productivity in the future.

When is the best time to engage Flitz Events team building activity? Here are signs to help you organize a timely rejuvenating team building outdoors.

Employees are constantly at loggerheads

It is not unusual for employees to disagree and see different issues from divergent points of view. However, when disagreements get in the way of meaningful criticism, it’s time to get your team outdoors. Conflicts can be between one department and another or between members of the same working group. A successful manager can recognize when in-house conflict management solutions are futile. Consequently, sourcing for a professional team building expert can help the employees heal and move forward.

Outright lack of collaboration and communication

Teamwork helps the organization achieve more than each individual can. Better performance, therefore requires members to effectively communicate for members to consult, air their concerns and get reliable feedback for decision-making. However, if you realize your team deliberately refuses to relay information or work together, engage in a team building event.

 Toxic work culture

The organization’s culture can injure your performance. A toxic culture can be lack of reliable communication, disorganized workflows, and unexplained delays. Sweeping red flag signals under the carpet finally catch up with the company’s performance. High staff turnover and constant burnout are likely consequences of unbearable work culture.

Low morale to work

A keen manager should notice when the employees’ morale is gone. While your team members may not always report 100% unmatched output every day, a significant drop in work morale is obvious. The usual lively chatter may turn into a damp silence cutting across the departments. Other times, members may show no excitement about learning new approaches or turning down opportunities to become more efficient at work. Further, members constantly applying for continuous sick days sometimes indicates lack of motivation to work.

A pattern of unending problems

Recurring issues that never seem to never get fully solved are a warning sign that all is not well with your team. Employees may feel like they’ve been warned or corrected a million times, indicating that more than mere talk is necessary.  Team building activities can help improve poor collaboration, clarify company goals, and define the boundaries of one department from the others.

Undefined boundaries

When employee management is at its worse, members shift blame, or pick on a scapegoat for things gone wrong. When members lack responsibility, nobody would be willing to take responsibility or volunteer to do menial tasks around the office. Undefined position boundaries may lead to abuse of roles and overall poor performance.

Take away

Noticing the red flags of a demotivated team unravels communication and relationship struggles among employees in an organization. Outsourcing a team building event organizer can save your organization untold losses and poor performance.

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