Do you frequently suffer from depressive episodes? Some people can experience highs and lows when it comes to their mood. When they are feeling really down, they can slump into a depressive episode. This is when you can struggle to find enjoyment in your favorite activities, you can find it hard to socialize and you can even take sick days off work.
First of all, you should always try to work out whether there is a trigger for your depressive episode. This can be different for everyone. For instance, you may find that an upsetting situation in your life can trigger one. Alternatively, it could be when you are under a lot of stress with your job or other responsibilities. When you know the trigger, you can work on ways to overcome those events.
There are also many activities that have been proven to help prevent depressive episodes. This can be through the ability to release feel-good and happy hormones. Let’s take a look at six activities you may enjoy that can help you cope and take care of your mental health.
Regular Massages
For many people, depressive episodes can start with some type of pressure or stress in their lives. This might be something that feels out of your control and it can overwhelm you. In this case, it can be beneficial to find an activity that helps you to relax and unwind. This makes sure that your emotions do not boil over.
One thing that people swear by is regular massages. This is an activity that is said to help remove tension from the body, allowing you to relax. What’s more, it gives you time to focus on yourself and focus on unwinding. Head to Spa Theory to read how massage therapy can help depression. They have an insightful and interesting article on their blog that can explore more about this.
Going a Vacation
Have you had a vacation recently? We are talking about taking time off work, enjoying your favorite hobbies and simply relaxing. Most people do not take enough vacations during the year, which may contribute to depressive episodes. Going on new and exciting adventures gives you something to look forward to. What’s more, it can be a goal you can reach too.
Therefore, plan a vacation. This does not have to be somewhere overly expensive or luxurious. But, it should be somewhere you can get excited about and that you feel will help you stay happy. Plus, you should look to unwind and enjoy relaxation on this trip too so that you can come back with renewed energy.
Socializing with Friends
There are many people that are guilty of hiding way and being anti-social when their mental health is declining. This can be particularly destructive if you work from home or are living by yourself. You want to have some social interaction every day in order to feel good. This is why you should make a point of always having plans to meet up with friends. This is something to look forward to and allows you to talk about things that interest you. It can give you the mood boost you need.
Therapy might be a solution to consider. This can be a good option if you cannot express yourself freely in front of your friends. During the sessions, you will be able to speak openly about worries you have or issues you want to overcome. Sometimes, it can be nice to talk to someone that does not know or judge you.
Daily Walks
Answer this question honestly. How often do you go out walking? Most people work at a desk and have sedentary lives. They do not realise that the lack of fresh air and physical exercise can hurt their mental health. Over a long period of time, this can have detrimental effects on your mental health. You have to try to do small things each day to have a concurrent effect.
This is why you should prioritize a daily walk. This does not have to be for miles and miles to the point where you are sweating and exhausted. It can be as simply as a relaxing stroll around your local park. The point is that you are getting outside and changing your scenery. In particular, walking in natural is said to be calming and relaxing.
Reading Books
Answer this honestly. When did you last finish a book? Most people will say it has been too long. Well, this is an activity you should add to your list to try to keep a depressive episode at bay. Reading gives you the opportunity to relax, escape and enjoy yourself in another world. You can make up excuses for not having time to read a book. But, the reality is that once you pick up a good one, you can struggle to put it down.
Therefore, committing to a book may be a good way to stop depressive episodes. It can be relaxing and allow you to forget your troubles. Plus, you can live vicariously through the characters. Assess how you are feeling after reading.
Creating Art
Art is an expressive activity that lets your mind do the talking. You can enjoy total freedom, using any medium you like and creating any scene you want to. You can take out your emotions on the page if you are angry. Alternatively, if you are feeling anxious, you can depict what is making you feel this way to offload. Many people find it beneficial to sit down and create art when they are starting to spiral. Perhaps this could help you too.
Thus, invest in some art supplies. Then, when you think you need to start painting or drawing, set time aside to do this. Lose yourself in the art and see if this helps you to feel better. It can be an alternative to talking to people about your problems. You can show them instead.