Big Data

5 Ways To Use A Cloud Storage Transfer Service Strategically

Cloud storage

Businesses can do a lot more than just straightforwardly use the cloud storage transfer service they choose for their upcoming cloud data migration project. By leveraging the service in strategic ways, IT teams can enable their organizations to reach a single core goal or multiple goals. 

Here are some actionable insights into the approaches that businesses and their IT teams can adopt to use a cloud storage transfer service strategically: 

1) Use the Migration Service To Replicate the Collaboration Structure

Rather than planning the cloud storage migration project to be a plain data dump, businesses can work with the provider they choose and strategize the project to replicate the collaboration structure in the destination cloud. 

For example, if your company is planning to migrate from Dropbox to Google Drive, your IT team can prioritize collaboration structure replication by migrating Dropbox Paper files, sharing permissions, embedded links, shared links, timestamps, and versions. 

Migrating these features along with the data and user accounts helps IT teams ensure that the end-users do not have to face any significant changes in the destination cloud (Google Drive), which, otherwise, can lower their productivity. 

2) Use the Migration Service To Accelerate Digital Transformation

Many companies choose to migrate from a standalone cloud storage service to a cloud suite ecosystem, e.g., from Dropbox to Office 365, as part of accelerating their cloud collaboration to maximize their digital transformation gains. If your organization has similar goals, leveraging the migration partner’s technical and strategic capabilities can help a lot.

Your company can partner with market-leading cloud storage migration service providers, such as CloudFuze, to create a new type of collaboration structure for the user accounts migrated to the destination cloud. 

For example, your IT team may plan to create new folder structures and or modify the user hierarchy to make changes to the data access levels. Or your team may plan to migrate data in ways that can help leverage the myriad features available in the destination cloud.

3) Use the Service’s License for Multiple Customers’ Projects (For MSPs)

One of the best ways for MSPs to use a cloud storage transfer service strategically is to cater to the migration projects of multiple customers with a single annual license. With this approach, it becomes easy for MSPs of all sizes to streamline multiple customers’ migration projects while helping them save the cost of tool licenses.

Also, by working with a single migration service provider that caters to all cloud storage migration combinations, such as CloudFuze, MSPs can save time in exploring other migration service providers and tools. This allows them to focus on more important areas, such as helping the customers to plan the migration roadmap. 

4) Use the Service To Meet Cost-savings Goals During the Migration Itself

Many businesses have the misconception that they can reach their cost savings goal only after completing the entire migration project. However, this is not the case, as it is possible to meet cost-savings goals even when the migration project is in progress.

For example, your IT team can discontinue the source cloud license of user accounts that have been migrated to the destination cloud. This approach is especially helpful when the source cloud licenses renewal term falls between the migration project timeline. 

5) Use the Service to Focus on Change Management

Lastly, businesses and their IT teams can use a managed cloud storage transfer service and offload their migration tasks to focus on other important areas, such as change management. Taking this approach helps companies and their management team ensure that the experience for the end-users (employees and teams) in transitioning to the destination cloud is seamless. 

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