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5 Ways To Stay Connected With A Sick Friend


Being sick and alone is the worst combination. Whether it’s the sniffles or something more serious, being locked up in the house, unable to go out or simply doing away with the pain and discomfort can be disheartening. 

Therefore, if you have a sick friend, it would mean the world to them if you stayed more connected during this season of their life. However, staying connected goes far beyond sending an “I hope you feel better soon “ text. 

There are many other ways you can show your friends that you’re thinking about them and are actively involved in helping them get through this difficult time. If you’re lost for ideas, here are some things you can do.

1. Send Them a Care Package

If you’re looking for thoughtful ways to take care of a sick friend, you won’t go wrong with a care package. This small gesture shows them that you’re thinking about them and also allows them to enjoy the little things that can uplift their moods, even just a bit. 

This flow of positivity will go a long way in making them feel better even if the illness hasn’t healed. However, to achieve a positive result, you need to select the right items to include in your care package. Consider the following ideas:

  • Healing Crystals: If your friend is open to the idea of crystal healing, you can include a healing crystal or two in your package. Amethyst is an excellent option since it’s believed to relieve stress and ease anxiety and nervous system disorders. Not to mention, it might help combat insomnia.
  • Face Mask: Sickness can make your skin look dull and lifeless. A face mask is a simple way to help your friend restore that natural glow and feel like their old self.
  • Fruit: Your sick friend probably has no time to do grocery shopping or stay on top of their diet as they normally would. Including fruit in your care package ensures they get their daily dose of vitamins.
  • Pharmacy Essentials: You can also include things like lip balm, coconut oil, cough drops, and other things they may not be able to grab at the pharmacy when sick to save them the trouble.

2. Play a Board Game

Your sick friend will eventually get tired of watching TV endlessly. One way to get them out of the continuous cycle of watching TV, sleeping, and eating is to play a board game. Board games typically don’t require too much physical strain and can provide hours of endless entertainment. 

While it may seem like a small gesture, it will go a long way in distracting your friends and allowing them to enjoy themselves even if they’re sick. You can find out their favorite board games before visiting to ensure it will be something they really enjoy participating in.

3. Offer Specific Help

Let’s face it, the phrase “let me know if you need anything” does nothing for the person who’s battling a sudden sickness or chronic illness. In most cases, people going through this don’t know what they need. They’re confused, hurting, and in a very sad state.

If you need to be more helpful and stay connected, offer your sick friend specific help. Find out their favorite food and make it. Offer to vacuum their house and actually do it. Offer to pick up their kids from school or activities and do it as often as you can.

4. Offer to Chauffer or Attend Appointments

Another important way to stay connected with a sick friend is to offer to chauffeur support groups or their hospital appointments. Going through frequent appointments and support groups can feel incredibly lonely, especially if they always go alone.

Such gestures will not only help you connect with them but also make their lives a lot easier during this season of their lives. Having you there will make them feel less alone and may ease the process. 

Furthermore, your presence in appointments allows you to be a second pair of eyes and ears for your friend. You can ask questions on their behalf and take notes that may be helpful to them if at-home instructions have been provided.

5. Remember Special Occasions

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries when the priority seems to be getting your sick friend feeling better again, especially when the prognosis is bad. 

However, letting special occasions pass without any acknowledgment may only make them focus even more on what the sickness has robbed them of.

On the days leading up to the special occasions, try to get cues from your friend. 

Do they want a big celebration or something low-key? 

If they share that they do not want to make a big fuss of it, find a small way to acknowledge the day. For instance, you can give them a card expressing how much you love them and give them your best wishes.

Final Word

As you can see, there are many ways to stay connected with a sick friend that go beyond sending the “get well soon” email. During this difficult season, your friend needs you more than ever. Therefore, be willing to go the extra mile to help them feel loved and supported. It’s the little things that count. 

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