
5 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Mobile App Development

Mobile App

Learn what determines the cost to develop an app, as well as how to bring it down without sacrificing security, performance, and reliability.

Mobile application development brings significant profits and other benefits. However, the cost to develop an app can be steep, especially for high-load software. Consequently, when planning a project, it is crucial to be aware of the main factors that affect the price:

  • functionality
  • security requirements
  • architectural complexity
  • targeted operating system(s)
  • integration with third-party services built on outdated technologies
  • hourly rates of software developers

Delivering a secure app with sufficient functionality and good user experience without breaking the bank requires enterprises to find a balance between these aspects. This article explores a few ways to get there.

Reduce cost, not quality

When looking for ways to bring down app development cost, many see a significant drop in reliability, performance, and security as an inevitable consequence. However, a good price reduction strategy allows enterprises to reach the desired effect without a negative impact on the final product. The following recommendations aim to help you do exactly that.

  • Consider employing cross-platform technologies to reuse a single codebase across iOS and Android. In addition to reducing app development costs, this approach accelerates the time to market and allows organizations to hire a smaller team for their project. However, cross-platform frameworks may also introduce some performance penalty, which could pose a challenge for high-load applications.
  • Build a functional prototype to test on a small group of users and identify features that are in demand. Early trials like this help companies to prioritize aspects with the highest impact on business value, as well as determine which non-essential functionality they can exclude without compromising user experience.
  • Automate testing from early stages to identify and fix bugs, as soon as they appear. Compared to doing all your quality assurance tasks manually at the end of the project, this method saves a significant amount of time, while also reducing the number of errors that make it to production.
  • Outsource your project to a country with lower hourly rates to get the benefits of an experienced development team without paying a high price. According to Glassdoor, a mobile software engineer in the US earns approximately $98,000–$161,000 per year, while the same-level expert in South America or Eastern Europe can charge less than half of that. Going this route also helps businesses to save time on recruiting engineers, resulting in a faster release.
  • Maintain clear communication with engineers throughout the process to minimize the risks of misunderstandings and ensure that the project stays on the right track. Providing accurate and detailed requirements from the beginning helps to prevent the need for costly changes at later stages of the development process.

Although mobile application development does not come cheap, there are proven ways to make it more affordable without losing quality. If you are looking for engineers to extend the in-house expertise or a dedicated team to build your project from the ground up, consider hiring mobile application developers from an established company.

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