
5 Ways a Crypto Marketing Agency Can Help Your Business Engage with VCs

Crypto Marketing Agency

With the level of technology and the ingenuity of the human mind, cryptocurrency has become a viable and relevant means to earn a lot of cash.

Despite their significance, various cryptocurrencies still rely on investors to grow their value. This is where crypto PR, marketing agencies, and investment firms come in.

And so, let us explore how crypto marketing agencies can help your business engage with venture capital and investment firms.

What Is A Crypto Marketing Agency?

In simple terms, a crypto marketing agency helps crypto businesses or projects gain investors using their knowledge of the crypto industry to help their client projects grow, reach their goals, and gain new investors.

Investment firms collect and combine their client’s assets, which will then be invested in carefully chosen investments.

For crypto projects, gaining the attention and partnership of investment firms affects the value of their crypto project.

Strategic PR Building

One of the traditional and most effective means of promoting and attracting individuals and investment firms is strategic PR building. This is where crypto marketing agencies promote crypto projects by building their PR image.

After all, investment firms only partner with trusted ventures and opportunities for high returns. Promoting your crypto project as a trusted and reliable venture to invest in will gain the attention of single or multiple firms.

Product/Service Positioning

When partnering, investment firms will always choose ventures where they can gain the most. So, crypto marketing and PR agencies will meet this challenge by promoting the benefits and the possible gains that can be earned.

To do this, crypto marketing and PR agencies create content based on metrics and data showing the value and possible earnings or benefits they could earn.

This was how Skyrocket used strategies such as a media blitz to increase its visibility and allow it to show its metrics and data. This allowed them to showcase themselves as the best crypto project to invest in.

Building Thought Leadership Image

Crypto marketing agencies also entice influential investing firms by establishing your business/crypto project as a legitimate and leading brand through thought leadership.

Crypto marketing agencies use strategies such as media blitz by uploading and publishing articles and other content to flood the advertising platforms and show that the business or crypto project is a hot topic.

Second, crypto marketing agencies will also help you participate in legitimate events such as conferences and webinars to increase your visibility and show that your project is legitimate.

During the early days of crypto, Chainlink – a decentralized network- established itself as a thought leader through the efforts of its co-founder Sergey Nazarov. Nazarov achieved this by publishing and producing several articles and papers relating to their product.


Most established crypto marketing and PR agencies have connections with investment firms through their previous clients.

This relationship also allows the agencies to create a network that future clients could enjoy. The agencies will only have to establish these projects as a unique and possible future investment.

This was how NFTs and its marketing agency networked with influencers to promote NFTs as a viable means of investment. With the increased visibility of influencers promoting NFTs, investment firms took notice.

Data Analysis

In connection with how crypto marketing and PR agencies position your product and build your PR, Data analysis allows these agencies to gain concrete and accurate information to promote crypto projects/products.

These agencies take notes of metrics, KPIs, and other relevant data to show their value and performance.

A good example is how Skyrocket used the media blitz to increase visibility.


Altogether, gaining a partnership with an investment firm does not just boost a crypto’s value but also attracts other investors and firms. To achieve this, crypto marketing and PR agencies adopt various strategies to promote their client’s projects, products, and services in

First, agencies employ strategic PR building to boost a client’s image as a reliable and trusted project where investment firms could invest and gain revenue.

Second, agencies also showcase the benefits gained in a client’s project through product/service positioning. Agencies then advertise these projects using gathered metrics and other relevant data.

Third, agencies will attract influential investing firms by establishing your business/crypto project as a legitimate and leading brand. Agencies do this through content creation and participating in legitimate events to showcase a project.

Lastly, some of the larger agencies also have networks of investment firms, and the clients could then exploit these networks to communicate and establish relations through these networks.

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