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5 Unknown Things About Cloud File Sharing

There are many facets to cloud file-sharing that the average user/business doesn’t even think about. If you want to step up your business’s use, then you need to know some of the hidden features that make cloud file sharing so attractive to the average user. Everyone uses cloud computing in business nowadays, but not everyone uses it to its full capacity. We are here to teach you how to be the exception.

The 5 Things You Ought to Know About Cloud File Sharing

Before you download the latest file-sharing fad, check out to learn more about cloud file sharing. In the meantime, we will explore the five things you ought to know to make the most of cloud file sharing in your business.

1. It’s Cost-Effective

When compared side-by-side with the costs of keeping data storage and servers in-house, cloud computing is more cost-effective. Outsourcing your computing storage, network information, and other hardware needs, allows you to free up office space and decrease overheads. You can even trim down the whole IT team, which is a big saving for the typical SME.

2. It could be securer

Depending on how you use it and how aware of it you are, cloud file sharing allows for extra security measures that you don’t normally get with standard FTS. Cloud file transfer allows you to utilize features such as two-step verification and encryptions. They use robust passwords and, if you avoid the public cloud, can secure your firm against costly data breaches.

3. It will benefit your IT department, too

Cloud file sharing isn’t just about lowering overheads and breaking free from traditional IT departments, it’s also about providing those same departments with a new tool to help them progress. Around 80% of all companies who switched to cloud file sharing noticed an improvement within their IT department within 6 months.

4. It has unlimited data capabilities

When you use the cloud as a primary file transfer system, it has the capacity to move unlimited amounts of data. If you zip the files, data packages can go into millions of bytes. Cloud file transfer allows you to send massive packets of data in only a few seconds. This is a feat that simply wasn’t an option ten years ago. If you wanted to send large files, you had to have a specific software system to convert that file into a transmittable size. Not so when you sue the cloud.

5. Infrastructure is your biggest security concern

When it comes to secure file transfer, the infrastructure of your security systems is where you will take a hit if the threat of a cyber-attack ever arrives. That’s why so many businesses have data scientists test their systems for security threats or overlooked loopholes for cyber security purposes. You may think that all cloud file transfer is there for security, but you must be wary of public and open clouds. These networks are insecure and represent a key lapse in your existing infrastructure, no matter how good it may be. 

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