
5 Types of Innovative Conveyor Technology Systems

Warehouse and logistics managers are always looking for ways to improve their processes, whether that means streamlining their workflows or reducing the number of errors in their shipments. One way to achieve these goals is through the use of innovative conveyor technology systems.

Conveyor systems are a great way to transport materials from one place to another without having to use manual labor. Instead, conveyor systems can transport goods at a high rate of speed in large quantities.

In the past few years, conveyor technology has become even more innovative. If you’re in the market for a new conveyor system, there are several options available to you.

Here are five types of innovative conveyor systems technology to help your business become more productive and efficient :

Smart Conveyors

Smart conveyors are equipped with a micro-controller—essentially a computer chip—that is programmed with the commands to execute various tasks. In addition to being able to fetch things automatically and store them in convenient places, they can also be used in conjunction with other smart devices to facilitate communication between automated systems and your home’s larger infrastructure of sensors and controls.

Smart conveyors are self-sufficient and don’t require manual supervision in order to operate. This is because smart conveyors can communicate with other smart devices and equipment in the factory or warehouse where they’re installed.

This type of conveyor technology is also more reliable than standard conveyor systems because it can self-diagnose any errors that may occur during operation. Smart conveyors can also adjust their operations based on real-time information from other automated devices in the facility.

Distributed Control Systems

Distributed control systems (DCS) are used to control and monitor entire facilities, not just individual machines or processes. DCS uses local input/output (I/O) units so it can control multiple pieces of equipment simultaneously.

This type of innovative conveyor technology is the most sophisticated of all conveyor control systems. The DCS is a hybrid of PLC and PC control. It is infinitely scalable, allowing for rapid addition or removal of zones, conveyors and machinery as required. The DCS can be retrofitted into existing conveyor systems, even where the existing PLCs are different brands.

The main advantages of a DCS include:

  • Ease of use – the system is intuitive to use and requires only minimal training
  • Flexibility – the system can be expanded or reduced as required without loss of functionality
  • Remote monitoring – the system can be monitored from anywhere on the network, including from home or from other sites
  • Remote diagnosis – any problems with the system can be diagnosed remotely, eliminating costly call-outs by engineers
  • Reduced downtime – diagnosing problems remotely eliminates downtime in waiting for an engineer to arrive
  • Data collection – all data is collected automatically and stored for future analysis

New sensors and measurement systems

The world is growing increasingly concerned about automation and artificial intelligence replacing human jobs. Fortunately for conveyor system users, AI poses no such threat to their industry. Instead, the technology is going to be used to supplement human efforts and make many processes easier.

New sensors are being developed all the time, including ones that can track the movement of containers on a conveyor belt and send alerts if anything is out of place or requires attention. This means that workers can do more with the same amount of time, which can help them ensure everything is working as it should be with minimal effort. 

Sensors are making conveyor safety systems much more reliable, smarter and less expensive. They also improve material handling efficiency and can reduce waste significantly. The best sensors can be easily integrated into existing conveyor systems or new ones being designed.

They monitor everything from belt slippage to product weight to belt loading to speed changes in real-time. In addition, many sensors are wireless devices that are easy to install and don’t require a lot of power so they’re very efficient to operate.

The Internet of Things is here to stay, and it’s making its way into many different industries. Tracking products throughout the process isn’t just about knowing where they are; it’s also about understanding their quality and whether or not they’re meeting certain standards.

New sensors and measurement systems can help you monitor conditions without having to physically inspect every item as it goes by. This can be particularly useful when dealing with items that need to be stored at a specific temperature or which need to be checked for weight or volume before being sent on to the next stage of manufacturing or distribution.

Wireless monitoring systems

One emerging trend in the conveyor industry is the use of wireless communication technologies that provide better visibility and monitoring capabilities across entire manufacturing facilities without having to install expensive wired infrastructure.

Wireless networks can be installed fairly quickly and easily because there’s no need for wiring or trenching through concrete floors, which makes them cost-effective as well as convenient. These networks also allow companies to share data more efficiently across various departments, so managers have access to real-time information about nearly every aspect of their operation at any given time.

Conveyor Safety features

One of the main concerns of many factory workers, especially those tasked with managing conveyor belts, is safety. It’s vital that employees know they’re safe while they’re working in order to improve efficiency and keep them focused on their tasks without getting distracted by worrying about accidents and injuries.

Fortunately, new technologies are being developed all the time to ensure workers’ safety, including advanced warning systems that alert them if there’s any problem with the conveyor belt or if something needs to be addressed immediately.

Innovative Conveyor Systems Is Here To Stay

Innovation in conveyor systems has solved countless business problems, reduced costs and improved efficiency for countless industries. No matter your line of business, the benefits of industrial equipment improvements can make your company more productive and financially sound.

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