Stories make the world go round, and so it makes sense that they would be an important tool in brand-building.
Knowing this is just the start; you need to create a story for your brand which represents it cohesively and coherently, while also understanding what benefits this process brings to the table.
If you don’t know where to start, stick with us as we unwrap the main elements involved, and also explore why storytelling is worthwhile for brands in the first place.
Going further with your branding
Branding is an ancient concept, and yet it has continued to change with the passage of time, to the point that it remains at the cutting edge of the modern business ecosystem.
The reason that building a story brand is advisable is that it allows you to define your business in clear terms, which not only assists with selling to customers, but also gives you a better understanding of your own goals.
Considering your company’s past
The first element of your brand story that needs to be in place is a sense of where your business has been.
It’s essential to look at the steps you’ve taken to get where you are today, as this will provide your organization with that indelible, unfakeable brand authenticity which is so important to consumers.
If you can keep a sense of what’s gone before in mind, you’ll have an easier time determining where to go next.
Choosing consistency
Another role played by the outlining of your brand story is that of ensuring consistency across the rest of your branding efforts.
Think of it like finding your voice, and sticking to it, rather than changing like the seasons or shifting according to trends or context.
Prospective customers won’t want to engage with a brand that seems unclear about its own personality, so stability has to be part of where your story takes you.
Outlining your aims
While the concept of having a brand story can seem nebulous and even outright unfocused, the element that avoids this is setting clear goals in explaining who you are to the wider market.
Perhaps you’ve got a mission to be the most sustainable company in your particular market niche. Or maybe your overarching intent is to deliver unbeatable value at a given price point for your products or services.
Whatever your aims might be, expressing them within your brand story will wipe away any ambiguity for those who aren’t familiar with your organization.
Adapting to audience expectations
It’s definitely a good idea to go your own way with your branding, so that you don’t end up blending in among a sea of similar rivals. However, there’s a difference between standing out in a positive way, and putting off prospects because your brand story is entirely unrelatable.
As such, your target audience has to be at the front of your mind, and the expectations they have can be mildly subverted, but should not be completely smashed.
A playful personality works well for brands selling consumer products like snack foods and beverages, but won’t sit well for a business selling B2B services, for example.
Embracing responsiveness
A brand story isn’t something you build, throw out there and forget about; it’s an asset that you need to add to over time, and the best way to do this is by responding to the input and needs of your customers as your business continues to grow.
This is ultimately the power behind telling your brand’s story. It’s an ongoing, evolving process that your customers deserve to feel a part of.