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3 Reasons Why Your Amazon Sales Are Stagnant

Being an Amazon seller has a lot of perks – you’ve finally gotten out of your humdrum 9-to-5 desk job and become your boss. 

You’re selling products you believe in and enjoying the freedom of having your own business. 

More importantly, you’re on a platform with millions of potential customers. Getting even just a fraction of the total sales on Amazon would help you reach your financial goals. 

Unfortunately, it’s not all that easy. For every successful seller, there are more who struggle with stagnant sales. 

What happens when your Amazon sales slow down? And how do you fix it? 

My name is Omar Deryan, CEO at OJDS. Our amazon listing service has helped sellers optimize over 9,000 listings in the past four years.

In this guide, I’ll show you three reasons why this happens and what you can do to boost your sales again. 

Reason 1: Not Optimizing Your Product Listing

 With thousands of competitors on Amazon, the importance of optimized listings cannot be emphasized enough. 

Amazon’s algorithm works by matching listings with relevant customer searches.

 Online shoppers type terms or phrases into the search box on the Amazon website to find products. Amazon then returns results based on these searches. 

Unfortunately, if your listing isn’t optimized, it has very little chance of showing up high o search results. 

Products placed closer to the top of the search results are more likely to get clicked on. That’s because customers don’t really want to keep on scrolling to find what they’re looking for. 

Thus, the aim is to rank as high as possible in search results. And there’s one quick way to do this – amazon listing optimization

Using Amazon SEO techniques to improve every element of your listing can help boost your ranking and place your product before customers’ eyes. 

Excellent optimization begins with extensive keyword research. Once you know the right keywords relevant to your product, you can add them to the title, bullets, and product description of your listing. 

Think of your product title as the gateway to your listing – it’s the first thing customers see as they browse on Amazon. An optimized product title is as close as possible to what they’re looking for.

However, that doesn’t mean you should stuff it with as many keywords as you can. It has to be written in a way that is sensible and easy to read for the customer. 

Next, take the time to create a clear and concise bullet list. The bullet points of your listing serve as a general overview of your product. 

The customer should be able to grasp its main features and benefits at a glance. The easier it is to read, the greater the chance the customer would want to know more.

It’s also essential that your product descriptions are well-written and have well-placed keywords in them. Consumers like to have all the information at hand to decide on a purchase. 

The more important details you provide, the more likely they will choose your product over a competitor’s. 

Sellers are allowed a maximum of 2000 characters for every product description. This may seem a lot, but that doesn’t mean you should just fill it up with blocks of text. 

Keep in mind that it’s difficult for customers to read whole blocks of text, so it’s best to structure your product description in a way that’s comfortable to read. 

As you can see, the optimization process is complex. But it’s absolutely necessary, and, fortunately, it pays off.  

Reason 2: Not Using High-quality Product Images  

Another reason why your sales may be stagnating is because of poor-quality images. 

Photos are the most crucial aspect of your listing, even more, important than your title. 

After all, if you place yourself in the shoes of a customer, would you click on a product that doesn’t look good?

Investing in high-quality images would lead to better click-through rates and more conversions for your product on Amazon. 

Make sure your shots are well-lit, and the image has high resolution to attract customers. 

Reason 3: Not Diversifying Sources of Traffic

Many Amazon sellers do not realize how helpful diversifying traffic sources are. 

When you depend solely on Amazon to get customers to view your listings, it’s equivalent to putting all your eggs in one basket. 

To get your sales going again, it’s essential to utilize other channels to attract customers outside Amazon. 

Explore alternative traffic sources like Google, social media, mobile ads and apps, email marketing, and more.  

That way, you can reach potential buyers who aren’t on Amazon and convince them to look at your Amazon listing. 

Bottom Line

These are just several reasons why your Amazon sales are stagnant, but hopefully, you can overcome the slump by following the tips above. 

Optimized listings, high-quality images, and diversified traffic sources are valuable strategies for jumpstarting your business and achieving long-term success. 

It also helps to set up your e-commerce store outside of Amazon, you can choose one of the best e-commerce platforms depending on your business.

If you take it as a learning opportunity, there’s no reason why you can’t have a thriving Amazon business.

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