
3 First Aid Tips Everyone Should Know

Did you know only half of 76% of Americans are comfortable doing CPR during medical emergencies? Helping a person from the brink of death is a tremendous responsibility many people aren’t prepared to take on. 

In the modern world, it can feel like no one can be truly self-reliant in terms of health and safety, but this is far from the case when dealing with common injuries. However, you can give yourself confidence by considering these essential first aid tips.

Keep reading to learn some of the most critical first aid procedures.

  1. Treating Burns

Burns can be painful and cause disfiguring injuries if left untreated. When applying first aid for any burn, start by running cool tap water over the area for about 10 minutes. Do not use ice, as this can cause further damage to burned skin.

For minor burns, you can apply an over-the-counter burn relief cream to the burned area to provide relief from pain and discomfort. Never put butter, oil, or other home remedies directly onto a burn to prevent infection. In more severe cases, seek medical attention immediately.

Cover the burned area with a clean, non-adhesive cloth and wrap it loosely. Keep the burn area elevated and avoid contact with any additional irritants. Never break blisters or pull off clothing stuck to the skin, as doing so can cause further complications and other pain.

  1. Responding to Choking

Choking is a medical emergency that requires a quick and immediate response. Firstly, call emergency services if the person is unconscious or can’t cough, speak or breathe. 

If the person is conscious, they may be able to cough the object up themselves. Still, if not, you can use the Heimlich maneuver to push the thing out of the mouth forcibly.

To perform the Heimlich maneuver, stand behind the person and place your arms around their stomach. Make a fist with one hand and put it just above the belly button. Using the other hand, grab your fist and pull sharply, upwards, and inwards.

Repeat this process several times until the blockage has been removed. If the person is pregnant, a pregnant woman, or a small child, place two hands just above their belly button. Push inward and upward instead of squeezing the side of their stomach.

  1. Administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR is a lifesaving first aid measure everyone should know how to perform. If an individual is in cardiac or respiratory arrest, CPR may help save their life.

To start chest compressions, place one hand on the chest center and press firmly, repeating the process quickly at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. You should give the breaths every 30 compressions deep enough to make the chest rise and fall.

Continue CPR until medical personnel arrives or the individual begins to move and breathe independently. Remember the golden rule of first aid: “When in doubt, do not hesitate; call for help.”

You can take training and certification to learn proper CPR techniques. Check out MyCPR NOW Group Discounts to learn more about how you can train for this procedure!

Be Ready for Medical Emergencies With These First Aid Tips

First aid tips are essential for everyone to learn. It allows us to provide safety and comfort to those who are sick or injured in our community and act with confidence if we are ever in need of medical attention.

Knowing the basics can help save a life, so it is essential to become educated on the latest tips and techniques.

Want to know more? Check out our website for the latest tips and insights!

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