At the beginning of 2020, most of the world had relatively stable jobs, secure housing, and enough money to put food on their families’ tables. While some people struggled, job creation was expanding, and more professionals were reducing the debt they’d stacked up over the last few years. In just a few months, that all changed. There’s no solid step-by-step plan you can follow to get out of it. There’s no magic formula that will fix whatever situation you’re in, but the experience and words of a 23-year-old entrepreneur might just give you the motivation to keep pushing a little further.
Anthony Agyeman came from a single-parent home where his mother worked multiple jobs to pay the bills. In high school, he was an average student, finding that the traditional school and education system didn’t cater to students with different interests. For Anthony, one of these interests was clothing and business. Along with his friend, he started Murderous Clothing, an online clothing company. It was his first dip into the entrepreneurial world, and it was widely successful.
At just 18-years-old, Anthony’s knack for marketing and the drive to build something valuable for nothing pushed the company to some profitable months. When his partner wasn’t pulling his weight, Anthony bought him out. He ran the entire company by himself, doing everything from making the products, taking orders, shipping it out, and marketing the merchandise. It was too big a job for one person, and Anthony ended up selling his successful business, something he counts as one of his biggest mistakes.
With Murderous Clothing, if he had hired other people to do some of the work, he probably would have been able to keep running the company. Hiring people whose mission and attitude aligns with yours can elevate your business to seven-figure levels. Similarly, surrounding yourself with people who share your vision, even in tougher times, can give you the fuel to keep going. “When you’re working with someone great, and you’re doing things for them too, you’re motivated to keep going because you don’t want to let them down,” says Anthony.
These days, Anthony Agyeman runs multiple successful companies. He has a dropshipping business, a marketing company, an ATM company, and he’s currently building a vegan vitamin CBD brand with his girlfriend. His forte, however, is in the e-commerce industry.
The e-commerce industry is thriving. For people who don’t have any money to start with, it’s the perfect starting place to build a brand and, eventually, make money. All you need is a product and your social media page. Anthony advises that you’ll have to initially put in a lot of time, not just with your page, but also with learning the tips and tricks. You’ll have to talk to people, read as many books as possible, and if you’re serious, take an online course. Since you don’t have your own experience yet, you’ll have to draw it from someone else.
Anthony says that through all of this – learning the ropes, setting up your business, and hiring the right people – there’s one thing that only you possess, and it will make or break your experience: your mindset. It can either pull you back and allow the inevitable roadblocks to throw you completely off course or, if it’s strong, positive, and determined, you can push past those roadblocks and keep running.
You can follow Anthony Agyeman and his companies at @onlinemoney on Instagram.