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21 Best Low Investment Business Ideas In India


Starting off a business is not an easy task at all. It requires sensible planning and involvement of a lump amount of money. But we all have heard of small businesses which require a lesser investment of money with higher profit probability. The first step in any business is to think of a unique and creative business idea with the right path in which they might proceed. Reading business books can help you to think like this. For every new activity one looking for, needs to have a lot of patience and should preserve moral integrity.

Here are some trending ideas for enthusiasts who are actively looking forward to setting up small businesses.

  1. GroceryStore–Forashort-budgetbusinesssetup,initiatingagrocerystoreisagoodchoice.Setting up grocery stores at places which has easy accessibility for the customers becomes thekey determiningfactorforabusinessto runsuccessfully.
  2. ClothingStore–Having a clothing store will be in high demand because India is a country rich in festivals and marriage ceremonies and many more where demand for clothes is on top almost for the whole year. Even demand for an everyday casual wear at a nearby location is a cherry on top for fashion enthusiasts who wants to make themselves presentable each day. So starting a clothing store can be a profitable business idea.
  3. Hardware Store – Hardware Store provides goods and services which involve vital products and equipment for daily household requirements and production materials for other businesses that escalate productivity. It can undoubtedly be included among profitable business plan ideas.
  4. PhotographyStudio–Setting up a studio in a locality can be considered a highly profitable business because for various important documents or important form fill-ups or for many such important works specific sizes of prominent photographs are in high demand. If it can be easily accessible to the consumers then the success rate of this business will also become high.
  5. Medicine Store – Among many essential things in our daily life medicines are the most important one. We cannot predict anything regarding our health. So easy access to a medical store in an accessible location always be in high demand. So the idea of starting a business of a medical store will never go in vain. It will always have a high-profit possibility.
  6. Electronicdeviceservicingcenter –There is a huge demand for repairing or servicing electronic devices because in today’s generation almost every work we do is somehow related to electronic devices and they’re generally costly. So if we face any trouble we don’t directly think of buying a new one rather we try to repair it with professionals. So if someone having the necessary skills can definitely go for this business idea.
  7. FastFood Centre–This is a business that has the highest flourishing records within a small span of time in the last few years. We can find lots of fast food centers in the streets so this business is quite competitive but can stand out uniquely by providing better quality food and can make money out of it.
  8. Coaching Centre- Whenever it comes to Children’s good quality education their parents become worried. They’re searching for a good coaching center. So if one has the potential in this sector then this business can be a profitable one.
  9. Automobile Servicing center – This business has always been in high demand because of the increasing number of vehicles. One having the necessary skills can definitely go into this business.
  10. Salon/Beauty Parlour – People with self-consciousness always search for a beauty salon where they get their necessary makeover. This business is in high demand and have a good success record in the past years.
  11. Fried Pakoda and Tea center – This is a refreshing center where people spend their leisure time or sit for some refreshments after a hectic day. Here for this business prices should be kept reasonable for all sections of people in a very practical manner. This can be a profitable business idea.
  12. Sweet shop – For every occasion, we come across or Visit any relative’s house and many more occasions which we can’t even recall every time, sweets play a vital role. This is the most essential of all. Without this any occasion is incomplete. So Sweet shop is worth giving a try for the one who has or can arrange people with the necessary skills and requirements.
  13. Fashionaccessoryshop– In today’s fashion world, these accessories spice up one’s daily look by enhancing their personality. They feel confident and even if they don’t wear these things on a regular basis yet they have the tendency of collecting these accessories for future use. So having a shop like this nearby is a great option. This business will surely run successfully with increasing customers.
  14. SportsCoachingcenter–Daily exercise is a good health activity for both Children and adults. Nowadays they’re too focused so much on their studies they don’t the opportunity to exercise. If they get the opportunity for training it would be beneficial for them. So opening a sports coaching center can be a successful business idea with a good income.
  15. Freelance Labour center– Providing labor for different purposes can bring a wide and vast range of success to a business. This business can be a great option.
  16. TailoringShop–The one having sewing skills and a machine can easily start this business with assurances of profit.
  17. Daycare center – It acts as a helping hand for working parents. Of the availability of these trustworthy centers, parents can go to their works without hesitation. If one has the capability and expertise in handling, caring and providing necessary things to the kids they can run this business successfully by gaining trust.
  18. Toy shop – Toy shop business is a great profitable business. A toy makes learning for kids easy, interesting and innovative. With the help of toys, kids get familiar with the different shapes, and sizes of different objects. Thus learning and playing go hand-in-hand.
  19. Stationaryshop–Having a stationary shop provides day-to-day essential equipment for any individual. This is popular mainly among students but is necessary for others as well as for their day-to-day work. This is a very gainful business and one should definitely give it a try to set up this business.
  20. Xerox and Printing Store – This is a very important thing that is essential in our daily work life. This business is very lucrative and can definitely secure its place in a successful business plan.
  21. Flowershop–For almost every occasion or purpose flowers plays an important role. Without a flower, it’s like incomplete. It creates a beautiful essence in every instance so we feel the necessity of flowers. So it’s a demanding and Profit-making business as well. One should definitely try to set up this business.

So this is the compilation of some profitable smallbusiness ideas in India one should definitely look upto.



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