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11 Visible Signs Your Period Is Coming Tomorrow


Have you been experiencing mood swings, sensitivity, and dull pain in your tummy? These symptoms are typical indicators that a woman’s period is on the way and are nothing new to a woman. However, periods are not immune to the laws of nature and can be as unexpected as anything else.

Naturally, nobody likes to be caught off guard. Especially if it happens on a bus or in between meetings and you notice a crimson stain on your clothes. It’s crucial to know your stuff and make good predictions.


You can clearly see the physical changes, or symptoms, that your menstruation is approaching tomorrow. Do you have any ideas on how these might appear? Below are some clear signs your period is coming tomorrow:

1. Your stomach is cramping up and c ausing you discomfort.

One of the warning signals that your menstruation is about to begin is abdominal cramping. Primary dysmenorrhea is the medical name for cramps that occur in the days leading up to or during your menstruation.


Typically, the lower abdomen is the site of discomfort during menstruation. Prostaglandins trigger these changes by contracting and relaxing uterine muscles. The mechanism at work here is identical to that which causes stomach pain or diarrhea.


Since the uterus contracts and forces everything in the stomach, including the stomach acids, up, this may also explain why women often feel ill and even vomit before their periods.

2. Indigestion and excessive bloating

Changes in hormone levels that accompany menstruation might induce gastrointestinal distress.


Water and salt retention are affected by fluctuating estrogen and progesterone, leading to bloating, slight weight gain, and, in rare cases, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.

3. Sore or heavy breasts

Pain in one or both breasts that comes and goes with the menstrual cycle is called cyclical breast pain.Once again, declining levels of estrogen and progesterone are to blame.


Because of this, the lymph nodes in your armpits and groins may enlarge and become sensitive to the touch.


4. Changes in Mood

You’ll be feeling happy one minute and emotional the next.There is a strong correlation between your fluctuating emotions and the impending arrival of your periods.


A sudden outburst of feelings can be triggered by almost anything. Again, this is due to alterations in your hormone levels. These shifts can happen too quickly for you to process, and instead of feeling excited, you may shrug it off as another bad day.

5. Breakouts in the skin

Sixty-five percent of respondents to a poll published in 2014 in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology said their acne flared up just before menstruation. 56% of women said their symptoms got worse in the week leading up to their periods, 17% said they got worse during their periods, and 3% said they got worse after their periods.

6. You are exhausted

One of the symptoms of PMS is fatigue, but you should know that this is due to a lack of glucose in your system.

This can lead to fatigue, weakness, or even complete exhaustion, all of which are warning signs that your period may soon arrive. Around 80% of women report feeling tired in the days leading up to their periods.


It’s crucial to pay attention to and listen to your body if you experience lethargy at any time during the month, as this could be a sign that your period is approaching.

7. Cravings for Food

One of the most prevalent symptoms of impending menstruation is a sudden and intense desire for a particular dish. Like during pregnancy, you can have an intense craving for anything sweet, spicy, or soothing right before your period. It is an unusual sign your period is coming tomorrow

8. Your head is hurting.

If you experience headaches in the days leading up to your period, hormone fluctuations may be to cause. If you suffer from migraines, you may notice that they worsen in the days leading up to your period.

9. A different discharge — and then no discharge at all

Discharge from the vagina is normal during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

You may get a white, gluey discharge a few days prior to your period. If you’re experiencing that, it means your progesterone levels are at their highest.


The bleeding may stop altogether as your menstruation approaches. Therefore, the absence of discharge can indicate that your period will begin the day after tomorrow. Cervical mucous often dries up or significantly decreases in the days leading up to menstruation.

10. Increased Sex Drive

A stronger desire to have sexual encounters can indicate that you are about to start menstruating.Hormonal changes cause you to have increased sexual desire and a desire for closer relationships.

11. Unwillingness to Sleep

If you experience the majority of these symptoms, including nighttime tossing and turning, you can anticipate your period to begin the next day.


Hormonal shifts trigger a temporary shift in brain chemistry that might leave you feeling down for a few days. It is one of the clear csigns your period is coming tomorrow


Period due dates are marked in red on the calendars of most women, and a period arriving even a day early or late can cause anxiety.


The good news is that these signs your period is coming tomorrow are relatively common and straightforward to monitor.


If you’ve ever wondered what signs to look for to predict your period, here are a few of the most popular ones.You can be more prepared whenever your period really arrives if you pay attention to these signs.

It is recommended to keep a track of your symptoms during periods in a symptom journal. Take it with you during your consultation with gynecologist in Lahore for the diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


1. Why did you get your period a week early? What does that indicate?

Changes in diet or exercise routine often result in your period starting earlier than usual.

Other medical problems, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, endometriosis, puberty, premenopausal, etc., can also cause abnormal bleeding at an earlier age.

2. Does your body temperature increase prior to menstruation?

Your internal body temperature will shift, that much is certain. During ovulation, a woman’s body temperature rises from its usual range of 96°F to 98°F by around 4.5 tenths of a degree.

3. In what ways might PMS symptoms be relieved?

Premenstrual symptoms can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating well, drinking enough water, doing yoga, and getting regular exercise.


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