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11 Methods For Building A Successful Business Website

A good business website is pivotal in 2021 and without it your company is going to struggle. So, here are some tips on creating an awesome one that will help your business gain more traction online. 

  1. Establish Purpose

A successful business website is one that not only presents your business in the best light possible, but anticipates what types of information people are looking for. This is a very basic but all too important goal to set when creating any website. Make use of good quality graphics and images as well as text to provide quick snippets of information people may look for. It should reflect well on the brand you’ve built for your company.

  1. Choose Your Domain Wisely

Your domain name should speak for itself what your company is about, but it should always remain simple and memorable enough to recall. However, it is important to always remain professional in your name choosing and never select anything that may come across as insensitive, ill-natured or simply vulgar. Your branding greatly depends on selecting the right domain name, so choose wisely!

  1. Opt For Sleek And Modern

A streamlined and clutter-free modern website is the way to go. Shy away from using flashing lights, fancy sounds or anything that doesn’t enhance the user experience. Make it easy for visitors to find and access exactly what they’re looking for with minimal effort.

Choose a few key graphics and an optimized navigation bar to make it easy for everyone to access your site’s sections. On your homepage, it is crucial to make a solid point as to what your business does, how it can benefit consumers, and how to get in touch with you.

  1. Humanize Your Brand

Most consumers nowadays care about the person behind the brand. Give your website an ‘About Us’ page to tell your story! Anything that makes you feel more relatable and human will really win over many visitors. This is also the section to share your credentials, awards you may have received, number of years in business, and what makes your company special.

If you have a solid staff employed, consider adding some quick bios and photos of them to the site. This once again humanizes your company and it also allows you to sell your services better (if you’re service based). Consumers want to make sure they’re dealing with people that have the right credentials.

Let customers feel emotionally moved by the story behind your company. If you have any unique anecdotes, it’s worth sharing to make the experience more personal.

  1. Make Contacting You Easy

Shockingly enough, many companies make it much too hard to find their contact information. Just a word of advice, don’t be that company that hides their contact info! Place the page somewhere easy to find and straightforward enough that people know where to look. Post a phone number, email address, contact form, and a business address if applicable. This will easily increase your trustworthiness.

  1. Link Social Accounts

Your company probably has a number of social media accounts, which is why they should also receive prominent link placement on your website. Allowing people to interact with your company via social media will make it easier to host marketing campaigns, giveaways, collect and analyze data, and most importantly, communicate. A strong social media presence can help sway people to purchase from your company.

  1. Make Business Hours Clear

Everyone has their hours of operation, whether it’s a brick-and-mortar store or a solely online company. Clearly label your business hours on your website and make it easy for people to know when you’re available to contact.

  1. Remain Mobile-Friendly

Your website should remain mobile-friendly which entails scaling it down to fit a mobile device’s screen. More and more consumers are choosing to use their smartphones to book services and shop, which is why a website that won’t load on mobile is simply wasteful.

  1. Highlight Testimonials

For people that have never dealt with your company, happy reviews and glowing testimonials are what can help them make the final decision. Create a testimonial spotlight or reviews section on your site where you post honest feedback from past and current customers. This helps establish a higher level of trust between you and the potential consumer.

  1. Add A Call To Action

You want people to take action on your website and actually buy something, right? The only way you can accomplish that is by posting a call to action on your page. In most instances, this is a telephone number, a prompt to request a quote or a way to tell people to schedule services right now. A sense of urgency also goes a long way in driving the point home and getting people to act on what’s been written.

  1. Get Return Visitors

Give people advice or information that will keep them hooked on your website and coming back for more. Usually, this is a form of content marketing used on blogs in order to get people to subscribe to regular updates. The key here is to offer people just enough help to make them think they’re okay, but really highlight how your company can make X task easier for them.

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