Finance News

10 Popular Online Finance Forums for Finance Discussions.

Online finance forums give you an opportunity to discuss financial matters with finance experts and enthusiasts from all over the world. This keeps you ahead of your peers in anything finance. Here are 10 popular online finance discussion forums that you can consider.

  1. Wall Street Oasis

Wall Street Oasis (WSO) is an online finance discussion forum with several communities. Some of the communities that you can join include:

  • Investment banking
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Asset management
  • Corporate finance
  • Hedge funds

You are required to register to participate in the forum discussions.

  1. Banking Forum

Banking forum allows you to participate in online discussions, create polls and ask questions. You may also create a sub-forum and act as the moderator of the discussions. You are required to register before participating or initiating discussions.

  1. Finance Forum

Finance forum is an online platform mainly for personal finance discussions. The main topics discussed are:

  • Personal loans including secured and unsecured loans and general borrowing
  • Debts-includes how to deal with debts
  • Investments-includes tax-free savings, stock markets investments and high-interest savings accounts.
  • Retirement-pension schemes, public and private company pensions
  • Fraud & scams-internet scams, investment schemes and how to detect and avoid fraud

You are required to register; it’s free and does not take a minute.

  1. Saving Advice

Saving advice is a personal finance discussion forum which you can join and contribute to the discussions. Some of the topics discussed are:

  1. Personal finance
  2. Investing & banking
  3. Debts
  4. Alternative investing strategies
  5. Real estate investing
  1. Yahoo Finance

Yahoo finance is an online platform where you will find one of the largest communities. You will find discussions on everything touching on finance. You can also subscribe for free updates which you will receive through your yahoo email account.

  1. Whirlpool

Whirlpool is a platform providing an opportunity for members to get free peer advice on finance matters. You will need to register so that you can initiate and contribute to discussions or ask questions.

  1. Money Talk

Once you sign up for money talk, which is free, you will find several forums all related to finance. Here are some of the forums:

  1. Money watch
  2. Earning & income
  3. Investments, stocks & bonds
  4. Web for profit
  5. Thrift savings plan
  1. Fat Wallet

Fat wallet is an online community of finance enthusiasts. There are no categories under which discussions fall but all discussions relate to finance. It is for you to choose which thread to follow. You can also sign up and start your own thread.

  1. Financial Wisdom

Financial wisdom is an online community for Canadian investors. Topics covered include financial planning and portfolio building, tax and tax policy, saving strategies and finance news.

  1. Ozbargain

Ozbargain is an Australian based online financial discussion forum. Nevertheless, you do not need to be in Australia to join the discussions. All you need is simply sign up, simple steps.

If you have any online forums you would like to recommend, feel free to contact us or comment below.

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