Guest posting refers to the act of publishing your article on another person’s blog or website. It is one of the most important strategies for growing a blog readership and platform. One of the main advantages of guest posting is that it opens an opportunity for great minds and fresh ideas to contribute on your blog, it gives your readers something new and different from your wrting style. We offer guest posting opportunities on our own site and we invite you if you have a unique idea, fintech news and reports to share with our readers. This will also be an opportunity to tell our readers about you or your business. Here are popular 10 blogs that accept guest posts:
1) BPlans
The intended audience of BPlans is small business owners and upcoming entrepreneurs. As such, your article must have content that is intended to benefit this class of audience. Otherwise, it will not be allowed. Content should seek to answer common questions that small business owners usually have. Additionally, your article must be original.
Business Opportunities.Biz is basically informational and aims to make readers aware of available business opportunities. Therefore, writers should restrict their articles to this category to ensure their work will be published. You can visit the blog to see the kind of articles that are published.
The blog accepts posts that are related to small businesses. Some of the other requirements that you will need to adhere to while writing your post include originality, short paragraphs, and the length of the article which should be between 400 words and 750 words.
As the name suggests, the blog’s intended audience is women who are either in business or are planning to get involved in business. One of the important things that you need to know is that once your article has been published, you should promote it with a link to this blog.
Mirasee Reimagine Business accepts only articles that provide marketing tips to small business owners and upcoming entrepreneurs. Although the blog emphasizes on originality of article, it has no requirement as to the length of an article.
Business Know-how deals with a variety of topics and focuses on offering tips and instructions. Articles that are motivational are also accepted here. Details of how to submit a guest post can be found on their official page.
7) BBB
BBB allows you to post anything related to business. You can even share information relating to your own business. Before you get down to writing your blog post, it would be good to visit the blog to find out the dos and don’ts.
8) TheBestofUK
To post on this blog, you must fill in an online registration form. Although the blog is managed from the UK, membership is not restricted by individual’s geographical location. The blog allows you to post a variety of subjects based on your interest.
The blog focuses on business owners as well as entrepreneurs. Your article must, therefore, be based on the needs of this audience; otherwise, it will not be accepted. In addition, your article must be well structured and contain at least 600 words.
10) My Corporation
If you are writing for this blog, you need to tailor your article such that it relates to small businesses. The blog has a social manager who is always ready to help you in coming up with the most appropriate content.
11) CoinIQ – We want to catalyze the cryptocurrency revolution by making it easier for people to understand cryptocurrency and its associated services and products. With the current landscape changing at a rapid rate, we want to be your go-to-hub for learning about crypto.
12) Flixed – Cable is dying, and streaming video is here to stay. Flixed produces the best tutorials and how-tos on cord-cutting. Whether it’s reviews of the latest products or tips on streaming your favorite shows, Flixed has you covered.
The number of blogs that accept guest posts is large. You only need to know the topics that you like writing about and go to the blog that specializes in that. If you have an idea to share with us, contact . Please remember, we accept only original articles free from plagiarism. No duplicate contents. We prefare articles written exclusively for our website and must be relevant to financial technology and financial services industry.
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