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10 Job Boards to Find a Web3 Job

There’s been a lot of buzzes everywhere about Web3, and you’re probably already sick of hearing Web3 mentioned in conversations repeatedly. This is totally understandable; however, you’d be pretty excited too, if you knew what Web3 is and all that it entails. But you’re here, reading this article, so you’ve certainly heard good things about Web3. 

The development and introduction of blockchain technology have had and are still having a lot of impact on life as we know it. Blockchain tech has significantly impacted things as fundamental (yet important) as better speed and ease of money transfer to more complex things like identity security and supply chain management. So you can certainly see why there’s so much excitement and “hype” about it. 

Now you may be thinking, “Okay, so the blockchain integration into what used to be the web2 environment is a pretty big deal. However, how does this affect me?” Good question! And the answer can be summed up in two words; More Opportunities! With the advent of Web3, there has been an increase in job opportunities as several companies position themselves to leverage all Web3 has to offer.

In addition to this, there has also been the creation and introduction of job portfolios that didn’t use to exist. Basically, this means there are now more jobs than ever, and these jobs are available to everyone… if you know where to look. Luckily for you, you found this post, and it contains everything you need to know about finding and landing a Web3 job. 

10 Great Places to Find Web3 Jobs

Discord and Telegram

Web3 and crypto projects build their communities in discord and telegram, although most are focusing on telegram these days. More often than not, these projects are likely to look within their communities first to fill vacancies before offering the job to ”outsiders.” So you’ll want to make sure to be a part of these communities. There’s also the fact that your job offers may even come from fellow community members. So apart from being a part of the community, you’ll also want to be active and form connections.

Eventbrite and Brave New Coin

Another great way to secure a Web3 job for yourself is by attending Web3 and crypto events. Usually, Web3 startup executives attend these events, and they are always looking to hire for one role or the other. Attending these provides you with the opportunity of connecting with them. However, it’s impossible to attend an event you are not aware of in the first place. This is where Eventbrite and Brave New Coin come in.

Explore Job Aggregators

If you’re currently job hunting or have job hunted for a particular role before, you’re probably already familiar with job aggregators. However, what you probably didn’t know is that aside from using these job aggregators to search for “regular” jobs, you’ll also be able to use them for Web3 job hunting! There are a lot of Web3 jobs that are posted on these job aggregator sites, so you’ll likely want to explore them. Some of these job aggregators include:

  1. Monster
  2. Indeed
  3. Hired

Dedicated Web3 and Crypto Job Boards

Just as you have job sites that only cater to traditional employment opportunities, there are crypto and Web3 sites that pretty much do the same thing. They include:

  1. Blockchain Devs
  2. Cryptocurrency Jobs
  3. CryptoJobs
  4. Web3

Now you may be wondering, “what kind of jobs will I be able to get in Web3?” Read on to find out!

Types of Web3 Jobs

For some people, you probably began thinking of crypto trading or arbitrage when you heard the term Web3 jobs. It’s easy to see why you would think that, but here’s the thing, there’s more to Web3 than crypto trading. Generally, Web3 jobs can be divided into coding and non-coding jobs.

Web3 Coding Jobs

If you know anything about how a blockchain works, this wouldn’t be a shocker at all. Blockchains run and depend on codes for everything from basic structure to protocol executions. In addition to this, the blockchain is still in its early stages, so there are lots of problems being discovered daily, and these are problems that require solutions. Many Web3 companies are willing to pay a premium for the services of developers that can help them “develop” solutions to these problems. So there’s always a high demand for Web3 developers. 

If you already know how to program and want to break into the Web3 space, you can be sure there’s space for you. You will, however, need to learn Web3 programming languages like Solidity as you will be required to develop Dapps, smart contracts, and so on. But hey, if you already program, learning a new language shouldn’t be a problem for you. 

If you’re a newbie interested in this aspect of Web3, you’re not at a disadvantage. Just like folks who already program, all that’ll likely be required of you for most Web3 development jobs is familiarity and competence with Web3 programming languages.

Some examples of coding jobs in Web3 include

  • UI/UX Designing
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Dapp Building
  • Blockchain Development

Non-coding Web3 Jobs

When people with some familiarity with how the blockchain works hear the term “Web3 jobs,” they immediately begin to think it’s all about coding. In fact, some people have even given up on transitioning to web3 because they simply have no desire or flair for coding. This is a wrong mentality because you actually don’t need to be a programmer to transition into Web3. There are lots of non-programming jobs you can land in the web3 space, and a typical example of this is marketing.

Proper business planning is just as important as coding. Credit: Unsplash


You see, just like regular brick-and-mortar businesses and online stores need customers, Web3 companies also need clients/customers. The more the adoption of a Web3 “solution,” the more money the company makes from that solution and the bigger the company gets. So if you’re a graphics designer, a writer, a social media content manager, or a content creator, this is one area is Web3 you can take advantage of and make money without having to learn how to code. Note that this doesn’t make you inferior in any way. This is because just as Web3 projects need programmers and developers to work the backend and front end, they also need you to help them become more “visible” and connect them to their target audience.

Community Management 

Do you know how people used to make fun of WhatsApp group admins about how they were getting serious over something that has no significance? Well, you’ll probably want to rethink those laughs because there’s something just like that in the web3 space; community management. Basically, what community managers or moderators do is help Crypto projects grow and maintain their visibility by interacting with their online community. 

Community moderators are usually responsible for answering questions community members have about the project. They keep the community active, encourage intra-community interactions and even organize live meetups. Community managers actually play an important role because the success or failure of a Web3 project relies on its community just as much as it relies on the quality of solutions provided. 

Business Development

If the business strategy is your thing, if you’re adept at carrying out market research and identifying new business opportunities, then you’ll want to explore Web3 and all it offers. You see, Web3 projects, just like regular companies, are all about providing solutions to make profits, and business literacy plays a vital role in that. As a Web3 business developer, you’ll be tasked with identifying market trends and coming up with ways to exploit those trends. You’ll also be required to help projects form beneficial business partnerships or collaborations that can help them improve their reach and impact.

Product Management 

One other Web3 space you can explore if you’re looking for Web3 jobs is Product Management. The role of a Web3 product manager is much like that of a regular product manager, except that this time, you’ll be dealing with decentralized products and solutions. You’ll be required to create and manage product roadmaps and go-to-market plans. You’ll also be required to collaborate with the backend to ensure products and solutions developed are those that actually match up with current trends and needs.


The Web3 space is full of opportunities, and if you know where to look, you’ll be able to leverage those opportunities. The most challenging part of getting a job is finding where to look in the first place. The good thing is, now you know!

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