Kaze No Stigma is a Japanese anime series based on a light novel series written by Takahiro Yamato and illustrated by Hanamaru Nanto. Junichi Sakata directed a twenty-four-episode anime series adapted from this light novel. Unfortunately, the story of this novel remains unfinished with twelve volumes after the sudden demise of Yamato in 2009. The anime series aired on television for a single season from April 2007 to September 2007. The amazing visual effects and an interesting plot made the fans yearn for Kaze No Stigma Season 2.
The story of Kaze No Stigma is centred on the character of Yagami Kazuma. He belonged to a family who could control the fire elementals. However, Yagami lacked this ancestral quality of his family and was cast out. He returned four years later to his hometown with the capability of wind aversion.
The light novel had a slightly dark tone as compared to the anime. The makers wanted to conclude the story of Yagami but they later cancelled the show after the death of Yamato. It has been over fifteen years since the release of the first season and the fans are still waiting for Kaze No Stigma Season 2. This article will include the details you might need regarding the release of Kaze No Stigma Season 2.
Kaze No Stigma Season 2 Plot Speculation
The makers could have continued the story of this anime series under their own script but they didn’t. They stated that Kaze No Stigma would have concluded the same way Yamato would have concluded his light novel. They believe that altering the storyline of Kaze No Stigma would be an injustice to its original writer.
This is why the story of Yagami remained unfinished even in the anime. The release date of Kaze No Stigma Season 2 is least expected.
Kaze No Stigma Season 2 Cast and Characters
We suspect that if the show ever returns then it will reprise the role of most of the cast and characters from the first season. The characters were perfectly placed in the plot of Kaze No Stigma. Kazuma Yagami, Ayano Kannagi, Ren Kannagi, Genma Kannagi, and Jūgo Kannagi were the characters who made this anime series feel interesting. A few more characters other than these might also be retained in Kaze no Stigma Season 2.
Kaze No Stigma Season 2 Release Date
The official release date for Kaze No Stigma Season 2 is not yet announced. It is unlikely that we might see Yamagi hit our screens in Kaze No Stigma Season 2. It would be irrational to predict a release date for the second season without any precise information revealed by the makers.
Kaze No Stigma Season 2 Trailer
As of now, there is no trailer for the upcoming new season of this Japanese anime. It will be dropped after the show has been renewed and passed several production processes.
Where to watch Kaze No Stigma?
After the airing on TV, Funimation bought the license of its DVD rights. Currently, Kaze no Stigma is available to watch on the streaming platforms of Funimation, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and Crunchyroll.