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Islamabad Postal Code: Get All The Info You Need to Find Your City in Pakistan.

Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and it’s home to a number of important government buildings. However, if you want to know all you need about the Islamabad postal code, you’ll need to start with our guide. In this post, we’ll take you through the different parts of Islamabad and give you all the information you need to find your address and city in Pakistan.

Islamabad postal code

The capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, is divided into 10 postal zones. These zones are further subdivided into 52 sectors, which makes the total number of sectors in Islamabad 112.

Each zone has a different name and code so you’ll need to know the sector in order to find your address. Once you know the sector, you can use our guide to help you find your address!

To start out, let’s cover the areas of Islamabad that are located within Zone 1. This first area includes such places as Gulberg, Diplomatic Enclave, and F-9/2 Sector. The following table contains some examples of addresses in this area and what they might look like on a map:

Postal Code: 05101 

Address: G-2/2 Gulberg 

City: Rawalpindi 

Sector: F-8/1

What is the Islamabad postal code?

The Islamabad postal code is a unique number assigned to all the areas of the city. It’s made up of five digits and is used by the Pakistan Post and by different government agencies to send mail.

If you want to know what your Islamabad postal code is, you can ask your post office or go online to find it. Also, if you don’t know how to pronounce it, just say “I-T-T-A-I-R-A-D” so that it rhymes with “hairaad”.

In this post, we’ll give you all the information you need in order to find your Islamabad postal code as well as a map of the city and its districts. So get ready: We’re going to learn about Islamabad!

Also read: Rawalpindi postal code and namaz e janaza

How to get the Islamabad postal code?

The postal code for Islamabad is 25000.

If you want to find your address, you’ll need to know the city and district in which it’s located. The city of Islamabad is Rawalpindi and the district is South Rawalpindi.

If you live outside of Islamabad, but still want to be able to send mail there, here are some other options:

The Karachi Post Office (21000)

The Lahore Post Office (14000)

The Peshawar Post Office (21100)

How to find your Islamabad postal code

Once you’ve decided to start your Islamabad journey, first you’ll need to find your postal code. Here are some helpful tips for finding your Islamabad address and city code:

– To find out your area code, simply look at the last three digits of your postal code. If it ends in 01, it’s an area code for Islamabad; if it ends in 05, it’s an area code for Rawalpindi.

– To find out more about the city codes in Islamabad, simply type “Islamabad codes” into Google and click on the blue button that appears. The top result is a list of all the city codes in Islamabad.

– If you’re not sure what part of the city you’re looking for, try typing “Islamabad” into Google Maps and then clicking around with the controls at the bottom of the page. This will show you where different parts of Islamabad are located (for example, if you want to know where Lahore Road is).

The different parts of Islamabad

Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan, so it’s home to a number of important buildings. In fact, they’re all located in certain parts of the city. This makes finding your address and city in Islamabad relatively easy. To find out what part of the city you live in, you have to know where these areas are located.

The different regions within Islamabad include Rawalpindi, Islamabad-I, Islamabad-II and Faisalabad. The major roads that run through these regions are called Shahrah-e-Faisalabad and Shahrah-e-Mashriq (M1).

The city of Islamabad.

Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. It is located in the Islamabad district, which makes it a part of Rawalpindi Division, Islamabad Capital Territory and Pakistan.

There are more than 6 million people living in Islamabad and its surrounding areas. The city of Islamabad has 11 parliamentary constituencies and nine union councils, making it one of the most densely populated cities in Pakistan.

In terms of geography, Islamabad is not only the capital but also the largest city in Pakistan. Administratively, it comprises 3 districts: Rawalpindi, Islamabad East and West as well as 25 Union Councils or townships.

Islamabad postal code falls under 50060 – 50059.

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