Because of the proliferation of AI technologies, we have got new jobs for those of us who find it hard to get a job, and for them to gain initial work experience. AI skills are what employers want because of the working time saved by neural networks and the effect of using them up to 35%. In the last two years, the number of vacancies for specialists who use neural networks in their work, as well as programmers and analysts who are training AI, has grown 3.5 times. We will share with you how to discover your career path using the help of AI.
Automating Routines
More than 75% of respondents to the Global Consumer Survey 2024 have already used ChatGPT or other AI-powered tools like it. It is now possible to create and tailor your resume for different purposes and formats, generate cover letters, customize email newsletters, or respond to job openings on various websites and forums.
AI can also be useful for analyzing the job market, gathering information about specific employers, and preparing for interviews. Now it is important to learn how to write effective prompts to chatbots so that they in turn help to compose a query for an in-depth job search. Such a query allows you to target your search – for example, to specify some websites, to include or exclude a whole set of conditions.
Understanding Modern Realities
Traditional professions are fading into oblivion. Already, AI is replacing mid to low-skilled office workers. This is especially true for office workers, and dispatchers 50+ and 70+ years old. However, while knowledge of neural networks increases a programmer’s salary, it decreases a designer’s, on the contrary. While the developers of IT companies are busy with machine learning, the Internet is flooded with texts, pictures, videos, and fakes generated by neural networks. Employers have decided that there is no point in paying more to the same marketers and designers, since artificial intelligence works for them: average salary offers for them are lower than for specialists working without the use of neural networks.
Utilizing All Possibilities
Experts note that AI can help prepare job seekers for job interviews and develop the necessary professional skills. Generative AI systems can be used to create training materials, simulations, and training that are tailored to individual needs and training levels. AI is even capable of coaching you to be more successful in IQ tests, which you can read about in detail in the Cerebrum IQ test review. This is useful, for example, for young moms who may be time-constrained, or for older people who may find it difficult to learn new technologies.
Generative AI techniques open new horizons for employment in creative professions such as design, copywriting, and illustration, experts say. The available free services based on generative AI, they say, provide an opportunity to improve skills based on experience, making AI a valuable resource for anyone seeking to develop both in their profession and through self-education.
How to Change Your Career with AI
If you want to learn a new profession, ask a neural network to create a personalized course for you for two weeks, a month, or six months. Whether you want to become a Java developer or an Internet marketer, AI can create a course for any specialty. It will select the necessary literature, recommend videos, create a detailed lesson plan, and even assign homework.
As for workers with zero experience or older employees who have difficulty adapting to modern technologies, AI can be a lifesaver for them, able to answer any question and explain any phenomenon, technology, and process in detail. With the help of a neural network, it will be possible to understand different topics – both profile and not. If there is a desire to move away from hiring into entrepreneurship, AI can be used to study the market that appeals to you and ask you to create a business plan.
Today, AI can be used to personalize learning through platforms like Coursera or Udemy, where algorithms adjust the complexity and pace of courses to the user’s level of expertise. Services like Duolingo or ChatGPT make it easy to learn foreign languages or basic programming and data analysis skills.
Generative AI services make it relatively easy to work without special training and, as a rule, remotely in the following areas: creating images, illustrations, and designs (e.g., using DALL-E, Midjourney, Kandinsky services), generating video content, including animation and editing, composing music and creating sound effects (e.g., using OpenAI MuseNet services), and others.
In Conclusion
The labor market is changing rapidly, and promising specialties directly related to artificial intelligence are emerging. Some of them can be mastered independently, such as prompt engineering – creating queries for optimal operation of neural networks and other AI solutions. Therefore, this is a great opportunity for all those who want to enter a new era of humanity with a new profession.